To reduce health care and mental health demands by increasing individual resilience through coaching simple, back to basic habits.


To grow resilience through coaching one on one, group, and organizations to a healthier, happier, more resilient state.



Resilient people…healthy and strong communities.


Effort, Failure, Repetition, Growth, Resilience.

Embrace Resilience

A Certified Resiliency Coach since 2021 with the Leadership Wellness Group, Char brings a wealth of personal experience from motherhood to her 30 years in law enforcement and being a firefighter’s wife. From her front-line roles to management, Char has observed some of life’s biggest stressors layered with today’s complexities and the way individual’s respond. Trained at the Women’s Leadership Institute, and a University of Ottawa graduate in criminology and psychology, Char prioritizes people. Investing in an individual’s resilience fuels the human capacity to adapt and overcome life’s challenges, struggles, adversities, and change in a healthy and productive manner, allowing the individual to bounce forward to be better than they ever were before.

As the American Psychological Association states: “Resilience isn’t a trait that people either have or do not have. It involves behaviors, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone.” Inspired by the fire service, Char founded Fuelling 22 Resiliency Coaching. Char provides one on one, group, and organizational coaching to guide and support individuals in adopting behaviors, thoughts, and actions that are common sense but are not always common practice to grow personal and organizational resilience. It is about getting back to basics and focusing on oneself to institute habits that are proven through current neuroscience to increase resilience. Topics explored include sleep, healthy eating, movement, mindfulness, positivity, connection, and restoration.

Additionally, with 78% of Canadian employees saying in 2023 (Stats Canada) that they have felt burnout as a result of their careers, Char can bring organizational awareness to the burnout epidemic and strives to combat it through resiliency building and instilling leadership skills in managers and employees.

Char’s multitude of experiences and training bring a unique, real-world perspective on chaos, overwhelm, stress and resilience.